2014 Edition

Made in Gougou

Made in Gougou

Section: Short Films

Country: Tunisia

Production Year: 2013

Runtime: 40 Minutes

Director: Latifa Doghri

Screenwriters: Latifa Doghri & Kamel Ben Ouanès

Cinematographer: : Mehdy Bouhlel

Editor: Karim Hammouda

Music Composer: Dylan Fiacre Evarist N.A

Print Source: salemtrabelsi2@yahoo.fr

Synopsis: At the Tunisian South, on the island of Djerba, an old black woman is locked up in a house. However, few people are allowed to see her. Some people talk about her madness …Others about a serious disease … This woman is called Elloulou and Ezzaïma (The leader). She is a pioneer of negro music on the  island.